Despite hearing it over and over again, sometimes a Christmas story video can be hard for children to grasp–and pastors to share. Lord knows even we adults have yet to fully grasp all the rich meaning God intended us to pull from the Christmas story.
The following Christmas story video tells the story of Jesus’ birth from the perspective of children. Considering Jesus told us to become like children in order to enter his kingdom, perhaps there is something we can learn when we hear the story of His birth from the mouths of babes. Sometimes children will listen to the sound of a child’s voice–and understand the message–more easily that hearing the sound of a grown-up pastor. Try sharing this video online with your congregation as a special Christmas Day greeting to all the children (young or old!) in your church.
Additionally, the children in your congregation will be helped by the straight-forward presentation of the Christmas story (with a few creative embellishments thrown in for fun). Told as if set in our modern age, the video will help them consider how the story of Christmas fits into their lives, as well.