John Crist Nails the Problem with ‘Church Hunters’ in This Spoof

thank you notes for children’s ministry volunteers


This church hunters video by Christian comedian John Crist will make you laugh and possibly cry by the end of it. The clever video a parody on the popular HGTV show House Hunters and pokes fun at a pretty serious issue within our culture. You’ll laugh because it is downright funny, but you also might cry cause it is downright honest.

Looking for a church body to be involved in is not only essential to a Christ-follower’s life; it is also a very important decision. Sadly we have probably all heard the statement “The churches we go to now, for us, (are) just not really doing IT for us.” Add that with the variety of preaching the internet provides, it more often than not seems like every church is compared to the ones seen online. Take for instance a line that had me literally laughing out loud in a coffee shop when I first watched it: “We are more looking for the humor of Andy Stanley with the body of Steven Furtick.” Although that line isn’t real because this show isn’t real, as a leader in the church I’ve heard people say we are looking for a preacher that preaches just like _______ who we listen to via their podcast (or watch online) every week.

What culture are you creating within your church? Is yours a culture with the aroma of Jesus and only Jesus, or it a distraction to Jesus and the gospel? Do people keep coming back because of you and their desire to hear you or do they keep coming back because they desire to fall in love with Jesus and live in community as His church.

Take time to laugh at this, but also allow the Holy Spirit to remind you the church is to be all about Jesus and nothing but Jesus. An enlightening activity would be to count how many times you hear Jesus in this video.

Church Hunters Video

Here is episode 2: “We are looking for (a place that is inspirational) like a ‘Ted Talk’ with a Bible verse.”

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Megan Briggs
Megan Briggs is a writer and editor for Her experience in ministry, an extensive amount of which was garnered overseas, gives her a unique perspective on the global church. She has the longsuffering and altruistic nature of foreign friends and missionaries to humbly thank for this experience. Megan is passionate about seeking and proclaiming the truth. When she’s not writing, Megan likes to explore God’s magnificent creation.

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