Jeff Myers is an authority on Christian worldview and apologetics who teaches Christians how to understand what they believe, why they believe it, and how to defend it against fatal worldviews. Over the last 20 years, Jeff Myers has become one of America’s most respected authorities on Christian worldview, apologetics, and youth leadership development. He’s the author of several books and the president of Summit Ministries. Dr. Myers teaches at College Plus and Belhaven University, and lives in Colorado with his family.
Key Questions:
Your research with the Barna Group concluded that only one in five church-goers in America hold a biblical worldview. What are the five other worldviews informing church-goers today?
How has Islam, in particular, influenced the average Christian’s worldview?
You talk about idea viruses in your new book. Are there any antidotes to these viruses?
Key Quotes:
“If we don’t think about the way ideas that are out there in the culture affect us, then we’re missing a lot of what makes us miserable and sickens our souls, but also we’re missing what could give us a lot of boldness in communicating about Jesus.”
“70 percent of Christians are regularly looking at pornography trying to find sexual satisfaction rather than looking to the source of love in Jesus and relying on him to meet our deepest needs of intimacy so we can relate to other people in a loving way and find true love.”
“I had just completed three 600-page books on every aspect of a Christian worldview and yet, there in my heart I was wondering ‘is Jesus really the answer?’”
“We choose people to be pastors because we think they have fewer problems than anybody else. So as pastors we begin to think ‘It’s my job to have fewer problems than anybody else. That’s why I get paid to do what I do.’”
“Vulnerability is how God shines the light of his truth into our lives.”
“I want you to imagine looking at your congregation right now. Only one out of five of the people you see has a biblical worldview.”
“A lot of people come to church because they feel like ‘this is what I do to show to God that I’m a good person, and then God will owe me good in return.’”
“One of the great promises of Jesus is that he says ‘take heart. In this world you will have suffering, but take heart, for I have overcome the world.’ And I came to realize…that doesn’t mean that we won’t have pain anymore. It means that pain has been deprived of its ability to destroy what is most important about us.”
“There are a lot of worldviews out there that say God doesn’t talk to you. You don’t even know who God is. You can only know him through the application of his law…But the God of Scripture is always calling. Always walking alongside.”
Mentioned in the Show:
The Secret Battle of Ideas about God