Dr. Kelly Kapic is Professor of Theological Studies at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Georgia. He is the award-winning author or editor of more than 15 books, including “Embodied Hope,” “The God Who Gives” with Justin Borger and Becoming Whole with Brian Fikkert. His latest is “You’re Only Human: How Your Limits Reflect God’s Design and Why That’s Good News.”
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Key Questions for Kelly Kapic
-How do our struggles with our own limits show up in our lives, as well as in pastoral leadership and ministry?
-What is the relationship between sin and limitations?
-What do we do when the structures and institutions we are part of push us past our limits?
-What does Jesus being an incarnated human reveal about our limitations?
Key Quotes From Kelly Kapic
“Part of what’s happened is we’ve started to imagine that our limits are the result of sin and the Fall…The surprise is God actually made us good, and part of the good is limits.”
“Think about how hard it is to talk about spiritual formation when we in the West have so associated dependence with a problem…sin isn’t what makes us dependent. Sin is what distorts those dependencies.”
“Our gut instinct is if someone says, ‘Why should you be humble?’ We say, ‘Well, because we’re sinners.’ And yes, because we’re sinners, that should contribute to our humility. But again, even before the Fall, even before there was any sin in the world, Adam and Eve were meant to be humble.”
“Do I ever ask questions? Am I genuinely curious? Do I think I need to solve all the problems? Do I need to have all the answers? For me, those have been painful but helpful things to explore.”
“Athletes only become good athletes when they think they’ve come up against their limits and they push through it. So I’m not naive about that. Limits, it’s a bit of a tricky business.”
“I’ve made productivity and efficiency my highest values, and they’re not God’s highest values.”