Bob Roberts Jr. is the Senior Global Pastor at Northwood Church, which he planted over 30 years ago in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. The author of several books and host of the Bold Love Podcast, Bob has been a trailblazer in the peacemaking and international religious freedom arenas. He is the founder of Multi-Faith Neighbors Network, as well as GlocalNet, a non-profit dedicated to mobilizing the church for transformation in the public square.
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Key Questions for Bob Roberts Jr.
-How did meeting the religious leaders in your city change the way that you pastored your local church?
-Why is having relationships with people of other religions essential?
-How can church leaders actually meet with religious leaders in their cities?
-What is a peace builder’s responsibility to speak up about the persecution of Christians?
Key Quotes From Bob Roberts Jr.
“[Earlier in my life], evangelism was more of a project for me than it was a lifestyle.”
“I can’t stand the word ‘interfaith’…Evangelicals often are not a part of interfaith conversations because we’re viewed as bigots, because we’re exclusivist with reference to what we believe is the gospel.”
“I like the word ‘multifaith,’ and the reason I do is that multifaith says, you don’t have to compromise your faith. You don’t have to give up your faith. You have to just be truthful and honest about who you are and say it in the kindest and most loving way.”
“I think when we begin to see the image of God in everybody, then instead of calling them out as sinners…we’re challenging them to live up to who they are, their identity as how they were created in Christ.”
“I share my faith all the time. Eighty percent of the time I’m with non-Christians.”
“When an imam accepts Christ, a lot of people come to faith in Christ.”
“These people come to faith in Christ because of the message and the messenger…[but] a lot of times we don’t have time to build a relationship with them.”