Francis Chan is the founding pastor of Cornerstone Community Church in Simi Valley, California, and has spoken at numerous conferences around the world. He and his family also started a house church movement called “We Are Church” in the San Francisco Bay Area. Francis has written several best-selling books, including “Crazy Love” and “Forgotten God.” His latest is “Until Unity.”
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Key Questions for Francis Chan
-How important is it for those who are training in ministry to understand unity early on?
-What weight do you place on different doctrinal issues, and how do you decide which ones are most important?
-What Scriptures help frame your concern for unity?
-How do local church pastors determine the kinds of ministry with which they will or will not partner?
Key Quotes From Francis Chan
“As I read the Scriptures, the more I studied, the more I just felt like, ‘Oh, I have said some terrible things about people that I now consider brothers or sisters.’ And so I’ve had to apologize to them, to their faces.”
“Even if you do say, ‘Hey, let’s keep in mind unity,’ how you teach what you teach, the level of humility really matters and can cause people graduating from a seminary to feel like, ‘Wow, we are the ones that have it right and it’s our God-given duty to go show other people why they’re wrong.’”
“There are clear times when Scripture says, ‘Here’s the place, here’s where you disassociate.’”
“[John 17] is not just a cute little ‘Hey, let’s all get along’ passage. It is the Son of God speaking to the Father at the end of his earthly life.”
“It’s even our job as ministers to work towards [unity].”
“This is at the core of our doctrine, is a Father, Son, Holy Spirit who are three in one. And so, of course, unity matters very much to him.”