“Lots of people are saying, ‘I’m taking a stand for Jesus.’ The question is, to what degree is that stand reflective of the Sermon on the Mount? To what degree does it look like Jesus?”
“My greatest task over the last 11, 12 years that I’ve been leading this congregation has been, what does it look like to declare some things, hopefully in alignment with the gospel, but to remain emotionally connected to one another? And I think that’s the invitation for pastors right now.”
“The greatest temptation I have, especially in my social media presence, is to pastor not my congregation, but the people who are following me on social media. And when I think about the conversations that people want me to have on social media versus the conversations people want me to have in my local church, it’s often very different.”
“I agree with clarity as kindness. I also think that clarity is kindness in a particular context. And I think some of these massive conversations requires particular contexts for conversations.”
“The last four, last eight years really, it’s almost as if every two, three weeks I’m having to think about a pastoral statement regarding something. And that is so fatiguing.”
“I’m grateful for mentors. I’m grateful for people who have helped point out a number of different blind spots.”
“I really do live with a sense that whenever I’m somewhere speaking, especially in powerful places, wealthy places, my soul is in great danger.”
“I think Jesus lived from a deep center of God’s love…And I think that’s the invitation for me and every other pastor.”
“Unless I’m really living from a place of trying to listen for the voice of Jesus in this particular moment, I’m going to be really swayed by the criticisms.”
Mentioned in the Show
Matthew 4
Matthew 7
John 1:14
John 2:24-25
Luke 4
“The Narrow Path: How the Subversive Way of Jesus Satisfies Our Souls” by Rich Villodas
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