3 Characteristics of a Healthy Cell

characteristics of a healthy cell
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2. A cell is healthy when it cares for each of its members.

Evangelism will not be complete until mutual care takes place among members. Healthy cell members are dedicated to care for each other, to love each other, to bear each other’s burdens, to pray for each other, to confess their sins to one another, etc.

3. A cell is healthy when it develops new leaders for new cell groups.

This means that the leader is quick to delegate significant functions in the cell and to help new members take the training course, so they can become new candidates. The best training is not the one done theoretically but practically.

When a cell combines evangelism with mutual care directed to the training of new leaders, eventually it will end up reaching a healthy multiplication.


This article on the characteristics of a healthy cell  by Mario Vega originally appeared here, and s used by permission.

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Joel Comiskey Group www.joelcomiskeygroup.com
JCG is a tax exempt, non-profit organization dedicated to helping complete the great commission in this century by providing resources and coaching to plant new cell churches and transition existing churches to cell-based ministry.

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