
Douglas Wilson

‘Cancel Culture Is a Tactic the Left Uses’—Kirk Cameron Hosts Controversial Pastor Douglas Wilson on ‘Takeaways’

In the course of the episode on cancel culture, Cameron sought the wisdom of Idaho pastor Douglas Wilson, who is a controversial figure for his views surrounding Christian nationalism and antebellum slavery.

John MacArthur Touts the Benefits of Slavery in a 2012 Video That Has Resurfaced

A 2012 video published by the "Grace to You” preaching ministry has been gaining fresh attention, as the clip features John MacArthur and his favorable opinion toward the concept of slavery. 

Douglas Wilson Responds to a Video by John Piper’s ‘Not Desiring God’ Son

Douglas Wilson, who pastors Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho, recently broke down one of the "Christian bashing" videos of popular TikTok influencer Abraham Piper.

Former Deacon at Douglas Wilson’s Church Indicted for Possessing Child Pornography

Alex Lloyd, a former deacon of Douglas Wilson’s church in Moscow, Idaho, has been indicted in federal court for possessing child pornography.

No More Arrests as ID Church Continues Psalm Sing Events

The Moscow, Idaho, church led by Pastor Douglas Wilson has continued to hold “psalm sings” in protest of the city's mask mandate, even though five people were cited and three of the five arrested when Christ Church held its first event on Sept. 23.