
follow jesus

Decision for Christ: When Kids Profess Their Faith Early On

Making a decision for Christ or profession of faith is a special occasion. But what happens when we tell children about Jesus and then kids question their beliefs years later?

Andy Stanley: Some of Us Have Fallen for One of the Temptations Satan Offered Jesus

Andy Stanley believes many American Christians have bought into one of the very temptations Satan presented to Jesus. Speaking at the Global Leadership Summit Friday, the pastor shared that he loves the U.S., but is troubled by behaviors he has seen from certain church leaders over the past few years. 

Follow Jesus, Expect Suffering

Suffering is an expected part of the Christian life. This truth in itself will never attract anyone to the Christian faith—until they understand that because suffering is the way of Jesus, it also brings life.

10 BIG Things Jesus Said That We Often Forget

Thousands of churches still exist primarily for themselves, have no vision outside their doors and no compassion for anyone knocking on those doors. Discover ten big things Jesus said that we often forget.

Rick Warren: 12 Keys to a More Powerful Prayer Life

Do you want to develop a more powerful prayer life? An old saint shared with me 12 prayer principles from the life of Jesus Christ, and it made a huge difference in my personal prayer time.

Erwin McManus: Why Understanding the Genius of Jesus Will Change Your Life

"The reason it's so easy to overlook Jesus’ genius," says Erwin McManus, "is that his canvas is the human spirit.”

To Facilitate Expansion, Trust the King Of The Expanse.

Have you been considering how to grow your small group? We often think of more chairs in the circle and feet through the door—but perhaps biblical expansion means a little bit... more? 

The Call to Mutual Discipleship

Do you realize God us called us to mutual discipleship? Your small group is full of disciples from all walks of life who are gathering together with an extraordinary purpose: learning how to follow Jesus.