Articles for Small Group Leaders
7 Ways to Keep Politics From Blowing Up Your Small Group
How can you lead and teach your group, guide them well, and manage the political conversations you know are going to come up between now and the next presidential election?
Articles for Small Group Leaders
When Someone in Your Small Group Loses a Loved One
Death is not a fun topic, it is always unwelcome, even if it is expected, even if the person is better off, no one wants to experience the death of a loved one.
Articles for Small Group Leaders
Principle-Centered Teaching Can Change Your Group
In his book Letters to Timothy, John Bisagno communicated a truth he’d learned over the years: “I consider this to be a very important part of my preaching ministry…I consider it to be simple but profound: the outline should consist of principles, not points."
Articles for Small Group Leaders
6 Ways to Boost Discussion in Your Online Group
Your group members may not have fully adjusted to this new virtual environment, but you can have great discussion if you boost discussion. Here are 4 ways to boost discussion in your online group.
Articles for Small Group Leaders
Small Group Leader, You Are a Pastor
If you are a small group leader, I have an announcement for you: YOU ARE A PASTOR. In fact, most of the pastors in the early centuries of the church did the same stuff you do as a small group leader.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Children’s Ministers Determined to Make VBS Happen This Year
Churches consider virtual VBS, neighborhood VBS, and delayed in-person VBS as they plan for one of their biggest evangelism events of the year in the midst of a pandemic.
Articles for Small Group Leaders
Suddenly, Everybody Has Time for a Small Group
Unless they offer an essential service, suddenly everybody has time for a small group. The #1 excuse people give for not joining a group is that they are too busy or they don’t have enough time for a small group.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Starting a Women’s Ministry Program From the Ground-Up
Just how do you go about starting a women’s ministry? I realized quickly that the philosophy — the "whys" — behind the women’s ministry would be the most important decision I ever made.