

Recruiting Group Leaders for Maximum Participation

When you recruits group leaders is just as important as how you recruit leaders. Timing is everything.

Closing Prayers for Small Group Meetings

When it comes to prayers for small group meetings, what is the best way to close a group meeting in prayer?

Healthy Correction in Small Groups

Healthy correction will sustain a church community and where it will allow relationships to thrive within a small group ministry.

The Joy of Small Groups

A right-brain oriented small group ministry opts to have their groups meet and seek fellowship with one another and explore curriculum through the context of relationships that bring the joy of small groups.

Making Disciples Like Jesus Through Small Groups

Doubling groups is a worthy goal. Here is why. There is no discplemaking without small groups. It is the way Jesus did it. He gathered a group together and taught them.

8 Icebreakers for Church Meetings

How can you, as a leader, be proactive and set the tone for an engaging meeting? You need icebreakers for online groups. Here are four icebreaker questions and four icebreaker games to get everyone settled in for a great online gathering.

The Benefits of Online Small Groups

Whether an online small group is a necessity or an opportunity for you, you will discover a new way to serve others and to grow with your online group. Online small groups are not perfect, but then again, no small group is perfect – online or offline.

Closed Group vs Open Group – Which Is Best?

“How do you feel about closed or open groups?” This was a recent question I was asked by a church that was in the beginning stages of formulating their church-wide small group model. I smiled because this is a loaded question.