
nick hall

Nick Hall on Asbury, Gen Z and Why He Believes ‘God Is Doing Something’

Nick Hall joins the Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast to talk about what he witnessed at Asbury University, the signs of true revival, and why he believes God is moving in a special way.

‘I Knew We Had To Do Something’—Nick Hall Announces Asbury-Like Event at Rupp Arena Sunday

Pulse's founder and president, Nick Hall, announced on Friday (Feb. 24) that there will be an all-ages welcome revival at Rupp Arena in Lexington, Kentucky, Sunday (Feb. 26) from 2:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

1.3 Million People Have Responded to the Gospel From Just This One Event…’People Are Hungry for God’

The Good Friday event broadcast has been seen in 186 countries, 24 territories and was translated into 39 languages estimating it has reached over 200 million people.

100,000+ Salvations Linked to ‘Great Quarantine Revival’

Nick Hall and the Pulse team say they have received over 100,000 responses to an invitation to accept Christ given during two virtual events the ministry facilitated over Holy Week.