

15 Engaging Questions To Ask Your Kids After School

For the parent who wants to be intentional and stay engaged in their child’s day-to-day school life, it’s important that the conversation that follows each day of school is more than just “How was school today?”

I’ve ‘Never Subscribed to His Version of Biblical Christianity’—Andy Stanley Claims Al Mohler’s Version ‘Is the Problem’

Andy Stanley told the congregation at North Point Community Church that he doesn’t “subscribe” to the “version of biblical Christianity” held by Southern Baptist Theological Seminary president Albert Mohler.

Covenant School Parents: Tennessee Lawmakers Are ‘Doing Nothing’ About Guns

A contentious special session of the Tennessee General Assembly ended “in chaos” Tuesday, Aug. 29, following little action on gun-related bills.

To the Parent of a Prodigal

Most of us are familiar with the story of ‘the prodigal son’ in Luke chapter 15. However, for many parents, it can be a story that’s all too familiar in a more painful and personal way.

Parents, Your Words Have Power (So Say These Two to Your Kids!)

Although it's difficult for many parents to say “I’m sorry,” kids need to hear those two words.

When Kids Wander Away From Faith, Parents Can Cling to 12 Truths

Wandering away from the faith was unthinkable in my Christian household, yet I eventually did so. Parents of teens and young adults who doubt or stray can embrace 12 important truths.

5 Ways to Show Your Kids You’re in Love With Their Mother

It has been rightly said that “one of the greatest gifts a father can give to his children is to love their mother.” I couldn’t agree more.

The Most Important Thing My Parents Did Was to Live Out Their Faith

I've been reflecting on the most important thing my parents did when I was growing up. Discover the impact of living your faith out loud at home.