
Scripture Memory

Bible Word Search: 8 Fun Learning Resources for Kids

Puzzles and activities such as a Bible word search are ideal for reinforcing Scripture verses and lessons.

Psalms for Kids: 10 Scriptures for Sunday School Lessons

Are the psalms for kids? Absolutely! Children’s ministry lessons often overlook the book of Psalms. But that content is important for kids to learn.

Memory Verse Games: 10 Fun Bible Activities for Groups of Children

Bible memory verse games are a great way to engage young learners while helping them hide Scripture in their hearts. Enjoy these fun games with groups of children!

Bible Verses to Memorize: 52 Scriptures for Children to Learn

Download this printable list of 52 easy but powerful Bible verses to memorize. For children, learning God's Word can be rewarding and fun!

Easter Basket Ideas – 23 Gifts to Grow Your Child’s Faith

As a veteran children's ministry leader and a mom, I have rounded up some of my favorite resources that will make sure your Easter baskets are faith-filled. Descriptions and links are provided.

Scripture Memory: One Encouragement and One Warning

My daily to-do list includes three non-negotiables: Bible reading, prayer, and Scripture memory. There’s no “day off” to rest FROM these disciplines. 

Scripture Memory Wasn’t for Me

The memorable discovery was not that I, with my bad memory, surprisingly could memorize big chunks of Scripture, but that doing so yielded joy. The exercise, the discipline, of reciting and repeating forced me to meditate on Scripture in ways I hadn’t done before.

7 Reasons Kids Still Need to Memorize Scripture

Memorizing Bible verses has long been a part of children’s ministry. Is it still a relevant thing to emphasize in this technological day and age? I would argue that this discipline is more important now than ever.