Home Children's Ministry Leaders Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders Bible Word Search: 8 Fun Learning Resources for Kids

Bible Word Search: 8 Fun Learning Resources for Kids

Bible word search

Kids of all ages love puzzles and fun learning activities. That’s why a Bible word search is ideal for reinforcing Scripture verses and lessons. Age-appropriate challenges help children remember and cherish God’s Word.

Many free Bible word search resources are available online to download. Find a puzzle that fits well with your Sunday school or children’s church topic. Print copies to hand out as children leave. Or keep some handy in classrooms for kids who finish activities early.

Other options include distributing copies of a Bible word search in children’s worship bulletins. Or mail puzzles to kids who are sick. Include a personalized note as well as the church contact information. Also encourage children to share a Bible word search (and kind words) with a friend!

To help you get started, we’ve assembled a bunch of Bible word search options. Check them out and let us know if you have other suggestions. You might even want to join the fun and solve a puzzle or two yourself!

8 Great Sources for Bible Word Search Puzzles

1. Bible Stories

The puzzles posted here cover a wide range of Bible accounts, from Creation to Acts.

2. Bible Topics Galore

The free puzzles at this site help grow young brains while nurturing young faith and hearts.

3. Books of the Bible

This is a great resource for learning the books of the Bible—from both the Old and New Testaments.

4. Names of Jesus

Throughout this word search, children will find a bunch of scriptural names for Jesus.

5. Animals in the Bible

Animals are guaranteed to make for a fun word search. Bonus: Provide crayons and encourage children to draw their favorite animals in the margins!