10 Rock-Solid Reasons To Be Thankful
No matter our circumstances, every Christian has a lot to rejoice about. Here are 10 of many spiritual realities we can always be thankful for.
Take the Gratefulness Test to Find out How Grateful You Are
The Bible says a lot about gratefulness. Answer these six questions to rank how grateful you are.
2 Indicators You Are Thankful This Thanksgiving
There exists a close relationship between joy, prayer, and thanksgiving. As one of them rises, so do the other two. If you are struggling with gratitude, you are simultaneously struggling to rejoice and struggling to pray.
Gratitude Coupled With Humble Service Multiples Happiness
Good days pleasantly surprise the humble. Even on a difficult day, their hearts overflow with gratitude. They’re happy because they know they’ve received better than they deserve.
Christian News
A Discipleship Pastor’s Flip Over the Handlebars Leads To Scary Discovery and Thankfulness
“If I had looked forward one second earlier, I would have seen the clump of asphalt and avoided it,” he said. “God allowed the accident for my brain tumor to be found.”
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Thanksgiving Bible Lessons: 12 Great Grateful Resources
Thanksgiving Bible lessons teach children gratitude for God’s blessings. These 12 resources work well in Sunday school, for children’s church, and as at-home family devotions.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Thanksgiving Dinner Ideas for Thankful Kids & Families
At Thanksgiving dinner, many families share what they're each thankful for. But ideas for expressing gratitude during the big meal aren't always creative. Check out these fun alternatives!
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Thanksgiving Tablecloth Tradition That Families Will Treasure
Grow gratitude and memories with this fun Thanksgiving tablecloth tradition. It's an easy, meaningful way for families to share blessings and say thanks to God.