vacation bible school
Children's Ministry Leaders
A Step-by-Step Guide To Creating a Meaningful Family VBS Experience
As churches begin to focus more and more on ways they can bring the family together, Vacation Bible School has increasingly been viewed a place where that can happen.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
5 Ways to Engage Families at a VBS Family Night
Vacation Bible School is one of the most exciting weeks of the year. Whether in the day, night, or on consecutive weekends, the impact made by VBS can leave a lasting legacy. One way to ensure the message of VBS goes well beyond the walls of the church is to make sure to engage families in a VBS family night.
Thom Schultz: Kids Need VBS This Year More Than Ever
Thinking about not doing VBS this year because of the pandemic? According to Thom Schultz, "This is the most important year ever for vacation Bible school in our lifetimes.”
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Why Vacation Bible School Is as Important Now as Ever
VBS is a local mission trip that just about any church can do.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Is VBS Still an Effective Summer Outreach?
What's the right thing for a church to do when it seems the world is constantly changing?
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Why We Changed Our Mind About VBS
Here's why you should do VBS.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
How to Breathe Fresh Life Into VBS This Year
Here are a few of my favorite ideas to add a twist to any VBS.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
VBS: To Do or Not to Do That’s the Question
No matter what side you land on concerning the VBS debate, there are some things we need to think through as we plan or possibly cancel this event.