Home Worship & Creative Leaders Articles for Worship & Creative True Worship: Sacrifice Your Self-Serving Agenda

True Worship: Sacrifice Your Self-Serving Agenda


  • What are we as worship leaders willing to sacrifice as our spiritual act of worship?
  • How might the way we select and lead songs be contributing to an attitude of worship comfort instead of cost?
  • How can we make sure we are not asking the same generations or cultures always to be the ones who sacrifice the most?
  • How do we keep the cultural attitude of entitlement out of our worship services?


This excerpt on what it means to sacrifice your self-serving agenda is from David Manner’s book, Better Sundays Begin on Monday: 52 Exercises for Evaluating Weekly Worship, Copyright ©2020 by Abingdon Press. Get the book for your worship team. Print and E-Version copies are available at: Amazon