Do You Have a Philosophy of Worship?

What's Your Philosophy of Worship?


8. Prayer and Connection

In worship we model and explicitly teach what prayer is and how people can pray. In prayer we direct our concerns about our circumstance and this world to God, and in prayer we become a caring, repenting and renewed community. Worship gatherings both cultivate corporate prayer and provide opportunity for prayer ministry to those who would seek it.


Audiences we are specifically mindful of in shaping and leading worship:

  • Our worship services will engage challenging content appropriate to both teenagers and adults.
  • Our worship services are shaped with the knowledge that there are many people who are exploring Christianity who attend and participate.
  • Our worship services consider the spiritual life continuum (exploring, growing, close & Christ-centred), and content is intended to engage growth of all by challenging the ‘Growing in Christ’ (the largest part of our community).
  • There are many children and students involved in TMP Kids and Transit, and we must respect the time constraints of leaders and participants in these environments.

Music Team

In addition to your philosophy of worship, it’s critical to have expectations for conduct for your music team.

Vision – We will be people who champion and live out the vision of The Meeting Place: Reordering our lives for the compassionate cause of Jesus in our friendships, city and world.

Rehearsals – Will be held on Thursday nights from 7:00 p.m.– 9:30 p.m. and are mandatory.  We do our absolute best to be ready to play by 7 p.m., this honors one another’s time.  Music will be made available in the correct keys two weeks prior to the rehearsal.

  • We know and understand that we honor and respect one another by coming to rehearsal knowing our parts.
  • Guitar players will be in contact with each other to determine parts.
  • Vocalists will be in contact with each other to determine parts.
  • The Worship Pastor and/or worship leader will make themselves available to address any concerns or answer any questions regarding parts, arrangements, keys, etc.

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Mark Cole
Jesus follower, Husband, Father, Worship Leader, Writer, Pastor, Church Consultant, Founding Arranger for, squash & tennis player, blogger & outdoor enthusiast.. (biking, hiking, skiing). Twitter: @MarkMCole Facebook: mmcole

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