Every worship team needs one thing every week. Sunday is more than songs—it’s planning, administration, prayer, practice and ministry. There are so many details to consider every week, but there is something else to consider, and it’s more important than all the others. We’ll get to that in just a bit.
I read an article recently called “Why the church doesn’t need anymore coffee bars.” It’s a gut wrenching story, and much of it I agree with. We don’t just need great music, broadway lighting, impressive talent and fresh brewed coffee. Sure. Every worship team needs Jesus more than anything. My heart goes out to the family who lost their precious father. I can’t even imagine the pain.
Therefore, I want to tread lightly on this topic. In no way do I want to disrespect this amazing family and the tragedy they are experiencing—I cannot imagine their pain. However, I do know this—music, lights, coffee and graphics aren’t the problem. The reason we make these aesthetic choices is to serve people.
What Every Worship Team Needs – EVERY Week
It’s similar to saying at a restaurant that background music, tables, chairs, air conditioning and decor doesn’t matter. Only the food matters. Sure, we go to a restaurant to eat, but the vibe aids in our enjoyment of the prime rib. Without the careful, compassionate thought that is given to the aesthetics, we might not return. Sitting on a concrete slab in complete silence with the best fish & chips in the world is fine, but not necessary.