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Churches Are Going to Be Messy Places

After all, Jesus came for the sick, not the healthy. He came for those who are heavy laden and in need of rest. He spent his time around prostitutes and tax collectors. When those folks got saved, they brought their messy lives into the church.

I’m not saying that we should revel in our messiness as if it’s somehow a badge of honor. I am saying that we shouldn’t be discouraged when we see various messes throughout our churches.

We shouldn’t lose heart when we see people struggling with their faith. That’s the way the church has always been, and yet God continues to do awesome, great things through the church! He continues to manifest the glory of the gospel to a watching world through messy, sinful people. He continues to shape his people more and more into the likeness of Christ.

I’m also saying that our churches should be places where messy people feel comfortable. They should be places from which the compelling grace of God radiates forth. Places where the self-righteous and the self-hating can come and be confronted and changed by the wonderful gospel of Christ.

If we’re truly preaching the gospel, then people of all sorts will be saved, and they will bring all their baggage with them.

So yeah, our churches are going to messy places. But in one sense, that’s a good thing. It means that we’re preaching the gospel.