I’ve been thinking lately about the challenge of leading great people. After all, youth leaders aren’t just leaders of students. We’re also the leader of leaders! So what are the various roles and responsibilities of church leaders? And how can fulfilling them build your team?
Here are 10 important responsibilities of church leaders for you to consider. As a youth worker, which other duties and traits would you add? Please share your mentoring thoughts in the comments.
Responsibilities of Church Leaders: 10 Roles We Play
1. Cheer
Your team is doing a great job, so cheer them on! Many church leaders understand the vacuum of gratitude for what we do. Largely, this is from firsthand experience of loneliness at the top. Invisible leaders will soon be invisible altogether. Don’t let this be the case for your people!
2. Care
Simply put, when you care for people, they’ll be better leaders. They will last longer and endure more under your leadership. The opposite is also true. If people aren’t cared for, they’ll disappear when hard times come (and they will). Care for your people and they’ll care for your people.
3. Coach
Coaching is the gentle nudge of your leadership to get people back on track. For example, it’s the side conversation that helps people see a better way or a different perspective. Coaching is helping people get better every day, rather than just when they mess up. Being a leader of leaders means thinking about your people and coaching them daily.
4. Correct
Leaders are going to lead. And occasionally leaders in your care will need to be corrected. Correction goes beyond the earlier concept of coaching. This is the firm conversation or confrontation to make a change. Correction is part of your job description, too.
5. Challenge
Challenging people is one of the main responsibilities of church leaders of leaders. Give volunteers a big piece of the youth ministry. Otherwise, they’ll find a place that trusts them with more. A great leader surrounds themselves with great leaders—and then gives them a chance to demonstrate it. If you’re intimidated by good leadership around you, you’ll continually limit them to pacify your own insecurities. Set them free, challenge them even, and everyone wins.