Let’s face it: At some point, youth Bible Study teaching gets a little…predictable. Leaders tend to fall into the habit of using the same basic teaching methods over and over. Even if those methods are good, constant repetition isn’t. We risk losing students’ attention (at best) or failing to capture it in the first place (at worst).
Because we’re talking about youth Bible study teaching and God’s Word, not math (sorry, math teachers), there’s an added importance to being as effective and engaging as possible. Browse through these ideas to help you spruce up your lessons.
20 Tips to Liven Up Your Youth Bible Study Teaching
1. Adjust the room set-up.
Switching your set-up is a super-easy way to liven things up. Who doesn’t appreciate a change in scenery?
2. Use an object lesson.
If a lesson plan needs a little life breathed into it, I find an object or image I can use as a metaphor. It really helps drive home the theme I’m teaching.
3. Encourage creative participation.
Let students create something. Tie in an activity where teens take pictures with their phones or write words on a giant sheet of paper. Paint is magical, for some reason. Have students use paint to draw or write.
4. Competition rules!
Don’t be afraid to craft some group games or competitions to use in your youth Bible study teaching.
5. Use video.
If you don’t use videos regularly, arrange to show one. Take the extra steps to borrow or otherwise finagle the necessary equipment to make it happen.
6. Don’t use video!
If you use a video or media clip each lesson, take a break for a lesson or two. Plug in another suggestion from this list instead.
7. Get kids moving.
With a little creativity, you can adapt pretty much any lesson plan to get students up out of their seats. Use stations. Ask yes-or-no questions of the group, where one response has students standing up or sitting down.