Thank You Youth Worker: An Honest Letter From One Teen’s Mom

thank you notes for children’s ministry volunteers


Need a dose of encouragement for youth ministry? Then check out this heartfelt letter from a parent. Discover why one mom felt it was so important to say, “Thank you youth worker!”

One Mom Says Thank You Youth Worker

Dear youth pastor of my son who’s getting ready to graduate from high school:

Forgive me for being so preoccupied right now, during the last weeks of high school. I’ve been meaning to reach out and express my gratitude. But I keep forgetting to say thank you youth worker for everything you’ve done for my son. So here’s my honest thank-you letter to let you know how much what you do matters.

I realize a lot of things have gone unsaid over the years. In case I don’t get the chance to say these things in person, I’m writing this letter to express what’s on my heart.

Forgive Me

Forgive me for the panicked phone call in the middle of the night back when my son was in 8th grade. As you probably remember, he’d been crying himself to sleep for a week. I was so concerned I couldn’t stand it another minute. Even though my phone call woke you up (and your wife and newborn), you calmly took time to assess the situation and talk me off the ledge. And the next day, you took my son to breakfast and talked him off the ledge.

Forgive me for the time I got really upset after you took the kids paint-balling on the way home from the summer mission trip. I guess the giant welts and bruising on his torso threw my protective mama-bear instincts into overdrive and I complained.

I might have forgotten to say thank you youth worker then. But my son will always remember that trip. And I’m forever grateful that you ignited in him a genuine heart for service.

Forgive me for the times I was late picking him up from youth group and blamed you for the lack of communication. Amid my crazy-busy life juggling work and motherhood, I was the one to blame.

I might have forgotten to say thank you then. But he’ll always remember those nights. And I’ve never forgotten how grateful I am for how you spent time away from your kids each week to be with mine.

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