Starting a parent ministry at church is a worthy endeavor. Parents play a key role in teenagers’ faith development. And youth ministers can partner with them by offering support, encouragement, and resources.
Last year, we thought we were prepared for a parent meeting. We had quality table decorations and delicious snacks. The only thing missing? PARENTS!
No kidding: We went all-out for a parent ministry meeting…but only two parents showed up. Want to know what we learned? Well, the big takeaway was to make sure we actually sent the email out and made the announcement during adult worship.
Here are some other lessons we’ve learned about creating an effective parent ministry:
3 Vital Tips for Launching a Parent Ministry
1. Don’t create parent ministry in a vacuum.
Talk to parents and see what they’d like or need. The last thing you want is to create an event or program that’s not on target. Trust us, we’ve done that several times and it’s humiliating. Talk to some core parents and some on the fringe. Ask for their honest perspective of what would be beneficial to their family.
2. Pick the low-hanging fruit first.
You could probably start a text-message list quickly and cheaply and take a huge leap forward. Maybe start a blog that shares what you taught at youth group last week. Include a few discussion questions so parents can follow up with their kids.
As you come across great resources for parents, post a list on the church bulletin board (virtually or the one in the hallway). Start with a couple of easy activities to begin partnering with parents.