Is Masturbation a Sin? 10 Bible-Based Resources for Teens

is masturbation a sin


Is masturbation a sin? That’s one of the many tough questions you’ll likely hear as a youth worker or parent of teens. Young people dealing with the confusing changes of puberty wonder what God says about sex and their bodies. They might not be receiving counsel from their parents. And messages from the media and peers aren’t likely to be biblical.

So use your role as a trusted youth minister to provide godly insights and answers. Plan a Bible study about Christian sexuality, and allow plenty of time to address kids’ questions. Provide a box and slips of paper so teens can anonymously submit their queries.

Be sure to prepare ahead of time. After all, you don’t want to be caught off guard. And if you’re stumped by a question or topic, consult Scripture. Speak with a senior pastor or mentor. Just don’t shy away from difficult questions.

By sharing God’s commands and guidance, you help set young people on a path of righteousness for years to come. Tough conversations and honesty also build trust, and teens will be more likely to confide in you down the road.

To help you answer questions such as “Is masturbation a sin?” we’ve assembled various Christian resources. Tailor the information to the age and developmental levels of your youth group members.

10 Resources for Teens: Is Masturbation a Sin?

Check out these helpful websites, blogs, and Bible studies. They’re geared toward helping teens pursue godliness and purity.

1. What the Bible Says About Masturbation

This Bible study resource about sexuality looks at relevant verses in both the Old and New Testaments. It offers great insights about helping people who struggle with sexual sins.

2. Insights About Self-Gratification

This in-depth exploration of the topic is more appropriate for older teens and young adults. One interesting discussion involves whether masturbation can be separated from lust.

3. Sins of the Flesh

Check out this informative series from cru. It includes practical tips for overcoming sexual sin.

4. Multiple Perspectives

On this blog post, the late Rachel Held Evans shares insights from seven ministry leaders.

5. Overcoming Temptations

This post includes Bible-based advice for someone who struggles with masturbation.

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Stephanie Martin
Stephanie Martin, a freelance writer and editor in Denver, has spent her entire 30-year journalism career in Christian publishing. She loves the Word and words, is a binge reader and grammar nut, and is fanatic (as her family can attest) about Jeopardy! and pro football.

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