Home Youth Leaders Articles for Youth Leaders Sleepy Chicken TikTok Trend: Warn Teens About Dangerous Recipes

Sleepy Chicken TikTok Trend: Warn Teens About Dangerous Recipes

4. Sleepy Chicken: Warning to TikTok Users

Show teens this news clip about the sleepy chicken challenge. It’s a solid overview about why the trend can be toxic.

5. Dangers of NyQuil Chicken

Help kids steer clear of blue chicken, or #NyQuilChicken. This resource reinforces why concentrated medications can lead to overdoses.

6. Unappetizing & Unsafe

“Social media trends and peer pressure can be a dangerous combination to your children and their friends, especially when involving misusing medicines,” says the FDA.

7. A Recurring Hoax?

Thankfully, headlines about the sleepy chicken TikTok trend might be blown out of proportion. The challenge seems to be a recurring meme. Yet it’s still important to be aware of what kids are seeing on social media.

What TikTok challenges have been popular with your teens? And how do you provide warnings to kids and their parents? We appreciate your input!