Home Youth Leaders Articles for Youth Leaders Bible Activities for Preteens: 3 Easy, Effective Devotions Kids Will Love

Bible Activities for Preteens: 3 Easy, Effective Devotions Kids Will Love

Bible activities

These Bible activities will teach preteens about being thirsty for Jesus, obeying God, and their God-given purpose. Use these Bible-based devotions with middle schoolers in your Sunday school classes or children’s church program.

3 Bible Activities Tailored to Preteens

1. Thirsty

Use this devotion to discuss Jesus’ living water.

You’ll need:

  • a Bible,
  • oyster crackers,
  • paper plates, and
  • cups of drinking water.

Give each preteen about 50 oyster crackers on a plate.

Say: You have 60 seconds to eat and swallow all of your oyster crackers without using your hands. Check for understanding. Then have kids try the challenge.


  • What was this experience like for you? (Refrain from giving them water for at least a few minutes or until a few preteens ask.)

Give kids water, and then read aloud John 4:4-10.


  • Jesus said his living water will keep us from thirsting. What do you think he means?

Say: Think about being desperately thirsty. Pause. Ask:

  • Explain whether you’re desperately thirsty for Jesus’ living water, and why.
  • What things do you look to for satisfaction, other than Jesus?
  • How can a relationship with Jesus satisfy you like nothing else?

Donna Simcoe 
Fort Collins, Colorado

2. Angels Versus Donkeys

Use this devotion to discuss obedience to God.

You’ll need:

  • a Bible and
  • inflated balloons.

Read aloud Numbers 22:21-27.

Form two groups: the Angels and the Donkeys. Have the Angels and Donkeys stand against opposite walls. Pile balloons in front of the Donkeys. Say: The balloons represent Balaam.

Say: Donkeys, it’s your job to bop “Balaam” past the Angels. Angels, keep Balaam from passing you. Establish a line about 3 feet from the Angels’ wall that the Donkeys can’t cross. Let preteens play for a few minutes. Switch roles, and let kids play again.