Home Youth Leaders Articles for Youth Leaders Do You Struggle With Students Buying Into Youth Group?

Do You Struggle With Students Buying Into Youth Group?

Are you struggling with your students buying-in to your youth ministry?

If so, resist the urge to immediately begin evaluating your methodology or your programs.

If you find that you’re having trouble with students getting on-board with your ministry, the first thing you need to do is make sure you’ve completed the following two essential steps:

1. Define the values of your ministry
2. Communicate these values to your students

When you define your ministry values, you paint a picture for your students (and adult volunteers) of what’s important to your ministry. You help them know the purpose of what you’ll be doing. The goal is to create an expectation that these values will drive what you do and shape students accordingly.

If you’ve defined and communicated your values, and you still encounter issues with buy-in, you can THEN begin to measure your methodology and programming according to how they serve your values.