5 Surefire Ways to Train Your Kid to Use Porn

porn addict


Before I get into five surefire ways to motivate your child to become a porn addict, let me establish two important points.

The first is, no parent wants their child to become involved in pornography.

We all can agree on this.

The problem for many of us is, we do not understand the insidious allurement of pornography or how our behavior, though unintentional, can help shape a child to become a porn addict and to crave something that can lead him into a lifetime of slavery.

There are always unintended consequences for our actions. We can’t act one way, good or bad, and not expect our actions to have unintended consequences. Like a rock dropped into a lake, there will always be a ripple effect to our attitudes and actions.

Secondly, pornography for a man is not primarily about the physicality of a woman.

A woman’s appearance is an external magnet for the eye to enjoy, but the greater problem for the man is the cravings of the heart.

Pornography is first and foremost about the theater of the mind, where the man can enter into his virtual world and be king for a day, or, in this case, king for a few minutes as he satisfies his mind with the risk-free intrigue of the cyber conquest.

Growing a Porn Addict

Porn is a secret world that resides in the heart. It is lust, which feeds itself while in the darkness of a person’s mind. This makes what we do as parents all the more important because the mind of a child is not altogether discernible.

But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death. —James 1:14-15 (ESV)

The seeds of lust can be planted in the mind of a child years before he or she is old enough to act out on what has been growing inside the heart.

The continuum of being lured and enticed by sin to desiring and conceiving sin does not have to happen in a rapid sequence. It can take years for this sinful sequence to bring sin and death to a person’s life.

In most cases, the allurement and enticement of the porn addict begins in his mind while still a child. This has been a consistent pattern I have seen in counseling.

A child can be in porn training long before there is awareness from the child or the parents.

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Rick Thomashttp://rickthomas.net
Rick is an author, speaker, consultant, teacher, and podcaster. He has been encouraging and training Christians since 1997. Today his organization reaches people globally through his cyber home.

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