Essential Advice on How to Write a Bible Study

how to write a Bible study


Step 3: Explore the issue.

The purpose of exploring is to get teens thinking about the topic or learning objective. This can be done through many creative teaching activities.

As you move into this study time and what you’ll actually do with group members, remember to consider teenagers’ different learning styles and how to engage them.

Step 4: Encounter God’s story.

The second major movement of the lesson presents or explores God’s story on the lesson topic by exploring the Bible reference or texts for the session.

Step 5: Engage in applying for God’s mission.

The third and last major movement leads the group to apply God’s story to real life. Here is where Christian practices emerge that lead the group into God’s mission to redeem and restore the world.

Step 6: Wrap it up.

This step is where you bring people to a point, to a decision, commitment of action or summarize the learning objectives. Then close in prayer.

After a few months of practicing these steps, youth workers will get the feel for how to write a Bible study—and for what constitutes a well-crafted lesson.

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Paul Sheneman
Paul Sheneman is an author, speaker and youth pastor. He serves with the Macedonia Methodist Church in Ohio. He drinks way too much coffee for his own good. His main interest is exploring Christian formation. You can follow most of his ramblings on his blog at or on Twitter @PaulSheneman.

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