Learning the Bible doesn’t need to be boring. Keep reading for ways to add excitement to Sunday school. Because learning the Bible should be a blast!
When you hear the words “Bible drill,” do you shudder? Does the idea of challenging kids to locate Scripture verses seem old-fashioned? Do you think your students would find it the least bit interesting?
I am a reformed anti-Bible-drill devotee. Yes, our kids do Bible drills every Sunday, and they love it!
Now, we’ve never used the words Bible drills. Thanks to Karl Bastian, we call it Bible Dash. Again, I was skeptical about using something from when I was a kid (100 years ago!). But every Sunday, one of our kids’ favorite events is Bible Dash. It’s simple, exciting, and an incredible method for learning the Bible.
We have boys compete against girls. Competition is friendly but intense. Here are some pointers.
Tips for Learning the Bible With Drills
1. Make sure every child has a Bible. We encourage kids to bring their own. But if someone shows up without a Bible, we provide one.
2. Explain the rules of the “game.” Bibles closed. Hands on the Bible. Don’t start until we say go. Shout “I’ve got it!” when you find the verse.
3. Share the Scripture reference twice before shouting “Go!”
4. Identify the first child to find the verse.
5. Reward points to the winning team.
Our kids love learning the Bible this way. Every week, they look forward to this dash.
1. What about guests? Provide Bibles for everyone. We also encourage kids to partner up and help guests find the verse.
2. Is competition at church okay? Competition can be a great motivator. Plus, it’s FUN! (I love that word.)
3. Isn’t it too “old school”? Well, Scripture is a lot older than Bible drills. And we still read from and live by it!
4. What’s the purpose? My goal is for kids to know how to navigate the Bible and be comfortable using their own.
Thanks to Karl for helping me see the relevance, value, and fun in reintroducing Bible drills to a new generation.
What about you? What suggestions do you have for learning the Bible? Please share in the comments below.