Home Children's Ministry Leaders Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders Faith Games for Children: 12 Fun Indoor Activities to Try

Faith Games for Children: 12 Fun Indoor Activities to Try

12. Beaten Down

Form groups of four, and have one person sit in the center of the group while the rest stand. Have the seated person try to stand while the others gently push him or her down for one minute. Play until everyone has had a chance to be in the center.

Afterward, ask: What was it like being pushed down by others? What was it like pushing your friend down? When is a time you’ve tried to do something and people around you pushed you down with discouragement?

Read aloud Hebrews 10:24-25. Say: Now tell about a time some­one encouraged you and helped you do something. What are ways we can encourage one another this week?

Scott Kinner
Loveland, Colorado

Looking for more faith games to use in your children’s ministry? Check out these ideas!

This article about faith games originally appeared here.