Christmas Snacks for Sunday School: Jesus Is Born!

Christmas snacks for Sunday school
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Christmas snacks for Sunday school help children experience the Christmas story. Try this fun, easy recipe. Each ingredient tells part of the biblical account of Jesus’ birth.

You’re not supposed to talk with your mouth full. But nobody said your food can’t talk for itself! In this Christmas snack mix, every piece tells a story—the greatest story ever! Try this snack with kids at your church. Or share the recipe with families to try at home.

Note: Ask about food allergies before serving snacks to children. Check out this article for allergy-friendly goodies for children’s ministry.

Christmas Snacks for Sunday School


You’ll need:

  • large mixing bowl
  • small paper cups (1 per child)
  • animal crackers
  • Cheerios
  • pretzel sticks
  • mini marshmallows
  • M&M’s candies
  • small Ritz crackers
  • chocolate chips

Nativity Treat: Christmas Snacks for Sunday School

To make this salty-sweet treat, gather ingredients. Then mix them together in a large bowl. Scoop some Christmas snack mix into the paper cups, ensuring at least one of each ingredient is in the cups.

Next, explain to kids that each ingredient tells part of a wonderful story. It’s the true story of Jesus on the first Christmas. As you go through the list below, have kids follow along.

First hold up a pretzel stick.

Say that some shepherds were watching their sheep. The shepherds may have carried staffs that look a bit like pretzel sticks.

Pick up a few mini-marshmallow “sheep.”

Say that shepherds were watching their flocks—when suddenly an angel appeared.

Next hold a Cheerio.

Explain that the Bible doesn’t describe the angel who appeared to the shepherds as having a halo, but Christmas cards often do. The angel announced good news—great news. The Savior had been born!

Hold up an animal cracker.

Say that shepherds ran to Bethlehem to find Jesus. They wanted to see for themselves this baby who was also a king and their Savior.

The shepherds found Jesus in a place where barnyard animals stayed. He was lying in a feeding trough, with Mary and Joseph at his side. The King of the universe was wrapped in strips of cloth, lying where animals ate.

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