We must be committed to teaching kids why we believe what we believe. We can no longer assume they will get it and commit to it while they are in high school or their young adult years. No. It has to start early if we want to see kids grow up to love and follow Jesus.
#5 Lie: Church is not the time to have fun. Kids need to learn how to sit still and be quiet.
The problem with this statement is this…kids are wired to have fun. Kid’s operate and learn best when they are in learning environments that are tailored to fit them.
Yes…there are times when kids need to get quiet before the Lord. Prayer time is one of those. Kids need to get still and quiet. But outside of that, kids need the freedom to learn from activities, games, ice breakers, etc.
A successful teacher will have lots of noise and movement in their class time.
#6 Lie: You can ask volunteers to stay over and serve an extra service…they won’t mind.
They may agree to stay, but in the long haul, you will burn them out if you continue to do this.
It is crucial that you build a solid volunteer team so this doesn’t happen. Have you read my book “The Formula for Building Great Volunteer Teams”? Check it out at this link. It will help you to not find yourself in desperate situations where you have to ask volunteers to stay over and serve an extra service.
#7 Lie: You should use people to build the ministry.
Your goal should not be to use people to build the ministry. Rather, it should be to build people through the ministry.
People soon know when they are being used rather than when they are being invested in.
Use the ministry to invest in people and help them grow as followers of Jesus.
These are just a few of the lies the enemy will try to whisper in the ears of believers.
Don’t listen. The whispers are lies and are not effective long-term.
Speak the truth…in love.
Your turn. What are some other lies that the enemy tries to whisper in our ears? Share you thoughts and insight in the comment section below.
This article originally appeared here and is used by permission.