Home Children's Ministry Leaders Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders Why I Serve in Children’s Ministry: 6 Amazing Volunteer Benefits

Why I Serve in Children’s Ministry: 6 Amazing Volunteer Benefits

5. You’ll also experience FULLNESS of joy. 

A joy comes from serving others. It’s a deep, abiding joy that comes from knowing God is using your life to help other people. You’ll discover it truly is more joyful to give than receive. As you give yourself away, your joy will be full.

6. Finally, you get to be part of FRUIT.

The Bible says Christians are to bear fruit. That means helping other people come to Christ. And did you ever pick a great place to bear fruit!

Did you know that 85% of people who come to Christ do so before age 18? I believe the heart of a child is the most fertile soil in which to plant God’s Word. Studies show children learn more in their early years than at any other time in life.

You’ll see spiritual fruit. Kids will step across the line of faith and become lifelong followers of Christ. They’ll immediately grab hold of what you share and begin living it out.

And you’ll not only see fruit now but later too. Your ministry will continue to bear fruit in children’s lives as they grow up.

So get ready to experience all these tremendous benefits. Family…fun…faith growth…a focus that matters…fullness of joy…and lots of fruit. That’s why I serve in children’s ministry. And it’s why your volunteers should too!