Christmas is a great opportunity to include kids in the broader church. But a children led Christmas service or program can seem (especially on your bad days) to take more effort than it’s worth. By the performance date, most everyone is stripped of joy, just wanting to be done.
When that kept happening at our church, we decided to try something new. We attempted a children led Christmas service with just one practice. The kid-led pilot attempt went so well that we’re doing it again! Here’s why:
Children Led Christmas Service: 7 Benefits
1. More kids can be involved.
They have to commit to only one weekend.
2. Volunteers avoid burnout.
Again, they commit to just one weekend.
3. Children’s ministers avoid burnout.
Yep, that’s right: Only one weekend to coordinate and commit!
4. Kids and parents get excited.
They’re just as amped about this event as other things we’ve done that require much more effort.
5. Parents get a Saturday to themselves.
They can go Christmas shopping or enjoy some quiet time.
6. The performance is more authentic.
Why? Because kids haven’t spent months over-memorizing the material.
7. Flexibility!
We can work within whatever Christmas series our church is doing.
What a Children Led Christmas Service Looks Like
Kids Arrive
We do the one rehearsal the Saturday before kids take over our adult services. That way, everything is fresh.
Kids arrive at 9 a.m. Then we have a quick breakfast of cereal and milk. And we actually start at 9:30 because most kids are late. (Is that just a problem we have?)
Kids Choice
From 9:30-10, we gather all the kids together. They get to decide which parts of the service they’d like to participate in.
In the children led Christmas service, some aspects involve all kids. Others involve just a few, and some involve just one child.
All-Kids Practice
From 10-11, we practice all the parts that include everyone. All kids participate in a song. And all participate in an introduction skit.