Armor of God activities train kids to stand strong. God’s Word is clear: We need his armor to face spiritual battles. Thankfully, God gives us everything we need! (See Ephesians 6:10-18.)
Sometimes, the armor of God can seem scary to children. So we gathered 50 great armor of God activities for younger students. Find coloring pages, videos, lessons, crafts, games, devotions, and more!
50 Armor of God Activities
Armor of God for Kids: Coloring Pages
These coloring pages are good for kids of all ages (unless noted). Best of all, most of them are free!
Free Printable Package: “Armor of God” Coloring Pages
Download and print these coloring pages. They reinforce a lesson about putting on the full armor of God from Ephesians 6.
Free Coloring Page from
A young boy stands in the full armor with this Scripture: “Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” Ephesians 6:11
Free Skateboarder Coloring Page from
A young girl is on a skateboard with this Scripture: “Put on the full armor of God.” Ephesians 6:11-17
Coloring Page for Younger Kids from
A young boy wears all the armor labeled. It features Ephesians 6:11-18.
Coloring Page for Older Kids from
Kids color a Roman soldier wearing the different pieces of armor. Then they match the items to descriptions from Ephesians 6.
Armor of God Activities: Sunday School Lessons
8-Week Children’s Curriculum from Children’s Ministry Deals
In Ephesians 6, Paul presents the image of the full Armor of God. Using stories throughout the Bible, along with funny skits about a knight and his armor bearer, kids will see each piece of armor at work. They’ll also complete their own miniature set of armor using the craft activities.
Protective Gear Sunday School Lesson from
Just as we need protective gear in skateboarding, we also need protection in life. The Bible calls it the armor of God. What kind of protection does it offer?
5 Free Kids’ Lessons on Ephesians 6
Teach kids to be on guard spiritually. This Bible study includes printable word search, coloring page, Scripture reading and discussion, class exercises, and application.
Are You Dressed? from
We teach children to get dressed each morning. But do we teach them to put on spiritual clothes? Christians should think about the armor of God often. This lesson explores each part of God’s armor and what to do with it.
7 Lessons on Each Part of the Armor
These lessons are very user-friendly. They include teacher preparation tips, plus Scripture reading suggestions.
Armor Sunday School Lesson from
Use this lesson with kids of all ages. It’s from the Kids’ Travel Guide to the Armor of God.
Armor of God Activities & Games
Free Printable: “Armor of God” Game
Players collect all the pieces of the Armor of God while learning what they represent. Use it to introduce or review this topic.
The Belt of Truth Game for Kids from
Use a few simple supplies to create a unique game. It helps kids remember what the Bible says about the Belt of Truth. Plus, they’ll love this hands-on method of reviewing biblical truth! And you’ll love how easy it is to set up this activity.
Free Armor Bingo Game from
This fun, printable Armor of God BINGO game has 20 cards plus a leaders sheet. The center tile on every card has Ephesians 6:10-18 and takes the place of a FREE space.
Multiple Reinforcement Activities from
Activities include Armor Racing, where children run around a designated area. They try to find the various armor pictures the teacher has hidden. Then children tape that piece of armor to their clothing, in the correct spot. Last one to do so is out.
Crossword Puzzle from
Kids find eight words from Ephesians 6. Use this crossword to fill time before or after the lesson.
Decoder Game from
Kids decode the letters by using numbers to reinforce the Scripture and commit it to memory.
This fill-in-the-blank worksheet helps children learn the Scripture.
Word Search from
Kids search for 20 words from Ephesians 6.