Yes…Your Church CAN Reach Millennials

Reach Millennials


Does your church want to reach Millennials? They are the young fathers and mothers that you want to reach.

They are the young couples you want to mentor.

They are the up and coming leaders you want to invest in.

Millennials get a negative review at times.  We talk about how less committed they are to the church.  How they tolerate things that their parents and grandparents would find deplorable.  How they have a shallow faith that cannot stand for the truth.

But…they can be reached.  They can be discipled.  They can be the next generation of leaders who will take the Gospel to the world in unparalleled ways.

And in-spite of all you read and hear about them,  I want you to know that you can reach Millennials and their families.

Millennials have unique traits and characteristics that you want to know about so you can be effective in reaching and discipling them.  Let’s look at some of those generational specifics that will help us know how to connect with them and invest in them spiritually.

Millennials are digital natives.  They grew up in a digital world and engaging with technology is as natural as breathing for them.  And yet we fall behind in using technology to engage with them and share the Gospel with them.

Millennials have grown up with massive changes happening all around them.  They are used to change and do not walk away from it.  But often we refuse to change so that we can stay current with the culture we find around us.  If we are going to effectively reach and minister to Millennials, we must keep a solid grip on doctrine while changing our methods so we can be relevant and reach Millennials.

If we are going to reach Millennials, then we must be willing to make key changes in worship style, church methods and mode of operation.  Even when it means doing things differently than we were brought up with.

Much of what Gen X and Boomers oppose is simply because it’s not the way they “did church” growing up.  But we must realize change is a catalyst for growth.  We must be willing to change what is not working.  Churches have a choice.  They will either change what Millennials are not connecting with or die a slow death.

I was at a church a few months ago that had no children.  No students.  No Millennial parents.  Just Boomers.  The sad news is that church is dying a slow death.  Once the older generations pass, that church will have to close its doors.  They are terminal.

Millennials are the young leaders that we must invest in.  They have so many great qualities.  They are…

  • Optimists
  • Talented
  • Creative
  • Collaborators
  • Relational
  • Want authenticity
  • Have the traits of great leadership

Millennials truly can change the world for Christ as they step into key leadership roles.  But we must also realize that Gen X and Boomers are the key groups that must lead the mentoring.  We must add “knowledge to the zeal of Millennials.”

Let me ask you.  Are you willing to let go of the past?  Are you willing to change methods, philosophies and traditions?  What worked yesterday must be looked at closely and changed if it is no longer effective.

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Dale Hudson
Dale Hudson has been serving in children's ministry for over 30 years. He is an author, speaker and ministry leader.  He is the founder and director of Building Children's Ministry. BCM helps churches build strong leaders, teams and children's ministries.  (

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