Benefits of Journaling: Teach This Spiritual Discipline to Children

thank you notes for children’s ministry volunteers


5. It fine-tunes our spiritual sight.

When we look for God at work in the world around us, we see him. When children know they’ll be journaling, things that normally would go unnoticed are now God-sightings. Recognizing God moving in situations and lives that are near to the child is a source of spiritual strength and growth. Too often, they don’t tap into that source of strength simply because they don’t notice. For kids, one of the benefits of journaling is that it’s a vehicle to pay attention.

6. It articulates understanding and insights.

Saying you understand something and being able to articulate it in the written word are two completely different things. Wrestling with words is mental exercise. But as the words get rearranged and are handpicked as a description, understanding of Scripture or something God is trying to teach a child comes into clearer view. Writing it down seems to help it make sense.

7. Journaling involves an expression of emotions.

Bible journaling is a way for young believers to vent their feelings directly to God. Understanding that what’s written on the pages is between the child and God and that God is big enough to handle any emotions that He created in us can be a powerful tool.

Being able to express themselves, which may mean emotions that they’re not proud of or feel like others would disqualify, often gives kids a handle on the emotions that seem so out of control. Many emotions function purely as a way of saying, “I want and need to be heard.” One of the many benefits of journaling is that it can satisfy that need.

Regular (non-Bible) journaling often begins with a prompt or sentence starter. Bible journaling for kids is similar in that they write whatever they can mine from their brains. But the focus is different. It’s important for kids to remember that the purpose of spiritual journaling is to keep them on a faith journey with God.

Many journaling formats work well for kids. If it’s always the same, you tend to lose interest. If you jog every day, changing your route can make a big difference in what you notice. Likewise, you can change up journaling too.

Ideas for Bible journaling with kids

Provide different kinds of notebooks and writing utensils for the child to use. Kids who have a high word smart intelligence naturally love to play with words. But one of the things that bring them additional joy when they write is being able to use a variety of papers and pens/markers/colored pencils. So in August, when the stores are full of school supplies, purchase a few extra special writing elements that you can randomly present to the kids. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at the boost this gives their journaling discipline.

Let the kids decorate and personalize the cover. Traditional college composition books make great journals. Before school starts, you can purchase them cheaply. And the covers are sturdy enough that you can cover them with sticky paper or glue pictures on them without them disintegrating.

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Tina Houser
After 33 incredible years in children’s ministry within the local church, Tina is now part of the KidzMatter team as Executive Editor of KidzMatter Magazine and Senior Publications Director, writing the This iKnow kids’ church curriculum. With great enthusiasm, she gallivants all over the country to train those who share her passion for reaching kids for the Kingdom. Tina has authored 12 books, one of which is used as a textbook in some universities (but it’s not boring, really).

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