Benefits of Journaling: Teach This Spiritual Discipline to Children

thank you notes for children’s ministry volunteers


10. Sketch

Younger children who can’t write fluently may want to sketch their journals. Or once a week, a child can express themselves by sketching what they’re thinking about.

11. Verbal journal

Some children are so uncomfortable with writing that journaling is more of a negative experience than a positive one. There are some options for these kids. Voice-activated journaling is now possible through electronic devices. Using one of these instruments can give a child who struggles with writing the same experience through sharing verbally.

12. Video journal

This is a wonderful option for kids who find writing difficult or who are just more verbal. Keeping a video journal can be done in private and has many of the same benefits…if not more. Through video, you can also see yourself, your body language, and you can talk faster than you could actually write down thoughts.

The spiritual benefits of journaling abound! Some kids will latch onto this spiritual discipline with excitement; others will shy away. But introduce the possibilities and encourage kids to find ways that help them connect to their Creator.

The benefits of journaling the Bible are profound and lasting. How do you incorporate Bible journaling into your children’s ministry or family devotion times?

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Tina Houser
After 33 incredible years in children’s ministry within the local church, Tina is now part of the KidzMatter team as Executive Editor of KidzMatter Magazine and Senior Publications Director, writing the This iKnow kids’ church curriculum. With great enthusiasm, she gallivants all over the country to train those who share her passion for reaching kids for the Kingdom. Tina has authored 12 books, one of which is used as a textbook in some universities (but it’s not boring, really).

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