Encourage short-term types of journaling. Do a certain type of Bible journaling for kids for one month. Then switch it up. This gives children opportunities to experiment find the type of journaling that best fits their personality and needs. The benefits of journaling come through all types of methods.
12 short-term Bible journaling experiences:
1. Book of the Bible
The child concentrates on reading one book of the Bible. Each day they respond in their journal to what part of that book they read. During the month, they may actually get through the book more than once, revealing new insights the second time through.
2. God-sightings
Every day the child thinks about how they saw God working in the people or the situations around them.
3. Prayer
Kids write their prayers and how they see God answering. Encourage them to write to God about their relationship with Him, rather than listing the things they want God to tend to. This is one of the most amazing benefits of journaling the Bible.
4. “I learned today…”
This is one of my favorite things to journal. Every day, I’m aware that God is teaching me something. I’m also learning something new every day. Recognizing that I’m learning about God each day is an exciting thing to write about (and it keeps me from feeling too old.)
5. Random Scripture
Take one verse. Read it and respond. Read it again and respond again. These verses don’t have to be connected.
6. Spiritual theme
Show the child how to use the concordance at the back of a Bible. Choose one topic and then read one of the verses listed under that topic each day. Respond to that verse.
7. Prompts
When you present the child with a blank journal, already have a question written on each page. Make it something fairly general so kids can write in a variety of directions.
8. Seasonal
Journal during the summer, Christmas, or Easter. Special insights can come through concentrating on what these special seasons mean in a child’s life.
9. Online journaling
Some sites, like YouVersion, have places on their Bible websites to keep a personal journal. What a fun way to change things up!