While the COVID-19 pandemic taught all of us a ton of life (and ministry) lessons, one of them was an especially timely reminder: while the message of the gospel does not change, sometimes our methodology does. Each year the folks at Churchjuice post their selections of the best church websites. This year it’s even more important, because we can all learn something to improve our digital game.
When, in God’s sovereignty and due to pandemic restrictions, we were forced to stay out of our church buildings, so many churches quickly adapted and shifted to a digital ministry format. Those changes forced us out of our comfort zones. The upending of our world was a clear reminder that the church is not about a building.
A church’s website has become its centerpiece of information; it’s the front door of a guest’s experience. We were reminded during the pandemic that the church’s website is sometimes the only exposure a person has to your church. So what is your church’s website telling new people? What is it communicating?
Take a look around at Churchjuice’s list of 2021’s best church websites. Our list is purposefully representative of different worship styles, regions, and church sizes. What do you like about each one? What does each website communicate to a person who knows nothing about the church? What can you learn?
Get Churchjuice’s “Best Church Websites of 2021” ebook! Â Â DOWNLOAD THE EBOOK
1. Menlo Church (California)
2. Redemption Church (Arizona)
3. Mosaic (California)
4. Bay Area Christian Church (California)
5. Mosaic Church (Virginia)
6. Flatirons Community Church (Colorado)
7. Sovereign Hope Church (Montana)
8. Cornerstone Church (Georgia)
9. North Point Community Church (Georgia)
10. Hope City Church (Alberta)
Learn what makes these websites great and how you can make a great church website in our latest ebook:
This list of the best church websites originally appeared at ChurchJuice site, and is used by permission.