Home Children's Ministry Leaders GRACE: How to Protect Children from Abuse During the Crisis

GRACE: How to Protect Children from Abuse During the Crisis

Other Ways of Protecting Children and Others from Abuse

“The isolation is causing an increase,” said Justin Holcomb. “All of the domestic violence hotlines are reporting increasing calls, increase in traffic to their websites.” 

What can church leaders do about that? First, think through the avenues of communication you have. These could include:

-Video sermons
-Regular emails/daily devos
-Community groups/youth groups/Bible study groups
-Social media
-Text groups

Once you’ve identified ways you can virtually reach out to church members, use those channels to communicate the following:

  1. You are aware abuse is increasing
  2. You are available to help and to listen.
  3. You can provide compassionate, practical and informed care. 
  4. You have words of hope to offer. 

Regarding the second point, Holcomb said, “Being vigilant to listen is one of the most helpful things that a clergy person can do.” Those who have experienced or are experiencing abuse need the person who speaks for God to be compassionate and aware. Don’t hold back because you can’t fix the problem. Survivors don’t need you to have all the answers, he said. They need you to listen and be available to walk with them through their suffering. 

There are plenty of resources out there that church leaders can offer people. Not only are there resources on the GRACE website, but, said Holcomb, “there are hotlines all over the place.” Know the hotlines and tell them to the people in your church. Three you should know are the National Domestic Violence Hotline (1-800-799-7233), the National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline (1-800-656-4673), and the National Child Abuse Hotline (1-800-422-4453).

While the pandemic has brought suffering to many, Tchividjian hopes that God will use the crisis to bring the church into a greater awareness about this issue. He said, “I just think, wow, what the difference could be inside the church if even we look back at Covid-19 and say that was one of the moments where the eyes of the church and the heart of the church were opened up to those who have been struggling in silence for decades.” 

You can watch the full discussion on protecting children and caring for survivors by clicking on the link below.