Home Christian News John MacArthur: It’s Too Late for America, but Not for the Elect

John MacArthur: It’s Too Late for America, but Not for the Elect

Previous Warnings Against Moral Decline

Warnings about immorality, unbelief, and the judgment of God aren’t new for MacArthur. While appearing on Laura Ingraham’s show last November, the pastor proclaimed, “America is in a moral free-fall.” He said, “This is a nation so far down in the sewer of immorality and wickedness that nothing surprises me.” A month later, MacArthur preached about the state of the world, saying it “appears to be perfectly suited for the Antichrist to come.”

In a 2012 sermon titled “Homosexuality and the Campaign for Immorality,” MacArthur said, “Romans 2 says the Law of God is written in the heart. But when man abandons God as revealed in creation; when man abandons God as revealed in conscience; when man abandons God as revealed in Holy Scripture, suppressing the truth, God judges that society. And though that society may consider itself to be wise, it is, in reality, the ultimate ship of fools. The heart becomes darkened when God is abandoned, and then God abandons the darkened heart.”

Later in that sermon, MacArthur said America’s Democratic Party has made “the sins of Romans 1” its “agenda.” He continued, “The Democratic Party has become the anti-God party, the sin-promoting party”—but then rejected the claim that he was being political. “Romans 1 is not politics,” said the pastor. “The Bible is not politics.”

As for the consequences facing America from the judgment of God, MacArthur stated: “If you want to see a picture of God’s attitude toward homosexuality, what’s going to happen when Romans 1 reaches its ultimate culmination and judgment comes, or when God does what he said he was going to do, in the writings of Moses, to nations that are defiled, that he would bring about their spewing out, here’s an illustration in Genesis 19.”

He then described how God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, adding, “That’s an illustration of how God feels about a society that affirms homosexuality and people that conduct themselves this way.” Homosexuality, MacArthur added, “is always a deadly sin, and always a defining sin, and always a damning sin.”