A parent recently asked other parents if it was okay for her 10-year-old daughter to take a satanic looking water bottle inspired by the popular Netflix show “Stranger Things: Season 4” to her Christian school on a London based internet forum Mumsnet.
A number of parents responded, astonished that a parent would even let their young child watch the show.
The Mumsnet user, who goes by flightofthesevenmillionbumblebees, explained that her daughter loves Stranger Things and recently purchased a water bottle with the word’s “Hellfire Club” on it, which is the name of a high school “Dungeons and Dragons” club in the show. The logo contains an image of a devil head.
The popular tabletop role playing game “Dungeons and Dragons” (also known as “D & D” and created in 1974) plays an important role throughout the series. “D & D” has been viewed by many conservative Christians as demonic because of its occult elements. An article by “Focus on the Family’s” entertainment publication “Plugged In” shared that “some former players have said that ‘D & D’ brought them into contact with demonic activity.”
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“Stranger Things: Season 4” also shows graphic imagery of an underworld called the “upside down,” which is an alternate world that one could assume represents a form of hell and has creatures called “Demobats.” These creatures strangle and eat humans when they become trapped in the alternate world. The “upside down” is also the home of Vecna, a skull-like demon creature who haunts and kills human prey by entering their thoughts.
The parent also explained that although she sends her child to a Christian school, hers is not a religious family. Thus, she asked if she was being unreasonable in allowing her daughter to take the water bottle to school, since it was merely a logo from the television show rather than a demonic image.
“That is not in anyway about devil worshipping or anything actually related to the devil or religion,” the parent said, comparing the devil emblazoned water bottle to “Harry Potter” and “Star Wars.”
The parent further shared that her daughter was “told off” by a teacher a couple of weeks prior for drawing an image of a devil. The teacher told her it wasn’t “appropriate to be drawing a devil at a Christian school.”
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The parent believes that because of the teacher’s prior actions, the school might act similarly when they see the “Hellfire Club” water bottle.