Speaking in Tongues Is Now Part of Max Lucado’s Regular Prayer Time

Image courtesy of Max Lucado


Speaking in tongues is something that pastor and author Max Lucado now does as part of his regular prayer time with God. Lucado shared this news in an interview with the Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast, where he discussed his new book on the Holy Spirit. 

“When I was 64 on a July morning, as I was praying, I began praying in tongues,” Lucado shared with host Ed Stetzer and co-host Daniel Yang. “I had not done anything different, except I came across the passage where the Apostle Paul said, ‘Eagerly desire the spiritual gifts’…I prayed that every morning for two or three weeks. And then one morning, early in the morning, I began praying in a heavenly language.”

Listen to the full interview with Max Lucado below:

Max Lucado: The Church Needs the Holy Spirit, Not Another Program or Trend

Max Lucado on How To Seek the Holy Spirit

Max Lucado is teaching minister at Oak Hills Church in San Antonio and the author of more than 145 million products in print. His latest book is, “Help Is Here: Finding Fresh Strength and Purpose in the Power of the Holy Spirit.”

Lucado shared that as a young person growing up in church he did not really learn about the Holy Spirit, so he was not familiar with how to relate to him. But in his senior year of high school, Lucado encountered an evangelist who was part of the Jesus Movement and who was the first person to teach him about the Holy Spirit.

“I was invited even to receive the gift of praying in tongues,” said Lucado, who at the time was open to that invitation, “but nothing happened.” Lucado was not following God at this point in his life and subsequently went back to his “old ways.”

In his twenties, Max Lucado returned to God and went into ministry. Yet in his early thirties, Lucado found the pressures of ministry to be overwhelming. “That’s when the wheels came off again,” he said. “I was that pastor who wanted to do everything just right and solve every problem, answer every question, and developed insomnia, stressed out. My wife was depressed, clinically depressed. I was a mess. I couldn’t sleep at night. And that’s when I began to understand John 14 of the Holy Spirit as a friend and a comforter.”

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Jessica Lea
Jessica is a content editor for ChurchLeaders.com and the producer of The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast. She has always had a passion for the written word and has been writing professionally for the past five years. When Jessica isn't writing, she enjoys West Coast Swing dancing, reading, and spending time with her friends and family.

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