The family of David Akins, more commonly known to the world as the comedian and actor Sinbad, shared an inspiring Instagram post that provided an update on the comedian’s recovery from a stroke he suffered two years ago.
On October 25, 2020, Sinbad suffered an ischemic stroke as a result of a blood clot that traveled from his heart to his brain. After being rushed to surgery to remove the clot and restore blood flow to the comedian’s brain, doctors gave a promising prognosis. A website dedicated to Sinbad’s journey shares that although he was weak from the surgery he was talking and moving.
The following day Sinbad developed another blood clot that required a second surgery, which successfully removed the blockage but resulted in an outcome that left the entertainer with swelling on his brain. After the doctors performed a procedure to relieve the pressure they discovered a bleed, and he was placed in a medically induced coma and on a ventilator.
The family shared that it was many weeks before Sinbad would eventually open his eyes, speak and demonstrate basic mobility functions. They discovered that he had lost the ability to move his left side and lift his head.
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After several months Sinbad was eventually able to breathe on his own, and was moved to the California Rehabilitation Institute to start physical, occupational and speech therapy in May of 2021.
A couple months later (July 7, 2021), almost nine months after his stroke, the comedian was able to return to his home where he continues with therapy and is relearning how to walk—exceeding the grim prognosis he was given that his left-side limbs were “dead” and unlikely to recover.
“I am not done. I will not stop fighting until I can walk across the stage again,” Sinbad said.
Sinbad’s family credits the “multitude of prayers from all who know and love him,” for their husband, father and grandfather being alive today. “We are eternally grateful. Every outpouring of love and the memories of how he has touched all of you have not gone unheard, unseen or unfelt. Thank you. You have lifted his spirits along the way and inspired the entire family.”