Cameron’s group has not only received pushback from community leaders, but many times they are also met with protestors who picket outside the library. One particular incident at the Hendersonville Public Library featured employees who continually disrupted BRAVE books filming a promotional video. The employees talked and made loud noises, which led to firing of the library’s director.
Their target is always children, Cameron said. “That’s why God gave children to parents, not to governments, [and] not to woke institutions that are then staffed and manned by those who want to undermine the faith and values that made America great, and then advanced the good.”
“So we shouldn’t be surprised that nefarious forces are targeting children,” Cameron continued. “Because the goal is ultimately the collapse of the family and the killing of God in America.” The reason for this goal, he said, is “because what that does is, it so destabilizes our moral and societal structures, that it can then be replaced and reorganized with something different, [such as] progressive socialist communist ideas, and that has always been the plan.”
Cameron encouraged Christians to stop playing defense and start creating a culture that they want for their children. They can do so by reclaiming the “hearts and minds” of the children that God has entrusted to them.
RELATED: Kirk Cameron Threatens Legal Action; Libraries Deny They Withheld Access
Instead of drag queens influencing their children, “You read them the stories. You tell them who the heroes and who the villains are, and pray with them and show them how to get back to abundant life,” he said.
Cameron will be reading at two sold out book readings this Saturday (May 13) at the Billy Graham Library. Although the story hours are sold out, Cameron is holding a book signing at 3 p.m. that is open to the public.